Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Today is a good day! Just wanted to say
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
"Instead of giving myself reasons
why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Yummy Good Food Find - 3/28/10

I went to Safeway yesterday afternoon with my cousin. He told me to grab a Vanilla yogurt so he could replace the one he dropped (could have happened to anyone - gave him a bad time cause out of all the different flavors, he had to drop the only kind I eat LOL).

So as I'm looking through the yogurt choices, I come across this one - Red Velvet Cake. If you know me, I tend to stick to the things that I'm comfortable with, but isn't that my problem? Some things I'm comfortable with are just plain ole' bad for me. So I say hey why not try something new? Don't get me wrong, I'm still a total Vanilla Yogurt fan but OMG this is to die for!!! I love Red Velvet Cake Yogurt - yummy to my tummy!

Best part is, its still only 2pts per yogurt container!

P.s..Silly Cuz didn't even realize that I didn't let him replace the yogurt...hehehe!

"The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Smoothie Heaven

So I think I'm addicted to these...can you tell why? If not, you should! :)

I was a little skeptical about trying this flavor (vanilla) and adding fruit to it, I normally stick to what I'm comfortable with which is chocolate but for some reason, I decided why not try something new?? So I bought a box of the vanilla smoothie packets, bought some fruit from Costco/Winco, came home made myself a smoothie and fell in love <3. Strawberry, Strawberry-Banana and now my new favorite Strawberry-Banana-Blueberry!!

Can't wait to try out the peaches I just bought! I'm going to have to save that for another day!

"What you did is not important...What you learned from it is!"

Friday, March 26, 2010

"Amazing" Food Find...3/13/10

Goodbye Girl Scout Cookies, HELLLLOOO Weight Watcher Mint Cookie Crisps!

I'm telling you these things are the best thing invited, I discovered these right on time aka Girl Scout Cookies Season has arrived and I don't have to be tempted to buy 123120 boxes. All I have to do now, is if I get a craving for those yummy Thin Mints, I just go grab one of these out of the pantry. They taste just like them and they are only 1pt - NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!

Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First week...Success!

My "Abso-freaking-lutely Amazing" Breakfast:

Doesnt it look "yummy to your tummy"? I takes me all morning to finish it but it also stops me from overeating or snacking in between meals. I swear breakfast has become my favorite meal (actually that's a lie hehehhe, every meal has become my favorite)!

Part of my lunch ;-)

Green Beans are the best!! (I got these at Trader Joes, they come in a bag (big portion, this is leftovers from dinner last night) that you throw in the microwave for 5 min - all I can say is they are FANTASTICAL and Drew loves them - Sweet!!!)

So it's been one week since I've started weight watchers and I've lost 2.8 pounds - which to me is AMAZING!!! (especially since the boyfriend surprised me with a night out on friday (I'm a lucky girl), didnt eat too horrible but still the meal was def not in my points range but that's okay - date night was wonderful and much needed). I've tracked every day, anything that goes in my mouth goes on my tracker (amazing how much it helps you stop from putting bad stuff in your mouth) and haven't had one soda!! Woot Woot!! Not sure if I had mentined it before but I've given up on soda, can you believe it? I'm a icetea/water kind of girl now LOL! For some reason this time around with Weight Watchers seems stress-free easy going loving every minute of it, am I making sense? Is it because I have a goal set? Is it because of my thyroid? Whatever it is, I'm not complaining - Bring it on!!!
"Discipline is what you really
What works for me is figuring out my points every night for the next day (that includes breakfast, lunch and dinner) so I'm prepared and now what will be going in my mouth.
Every Thursday night is Double Date (sometimes Triple Date) Chuck Night where we switch on and off at each other's houses. I was worried at first that I wouldnt be able to stick to my WW point system on those nights but so far so good. It was our turn last week, so I measured out all the food and figured out the point values the night before so when it came time to eat, I had a plan and stuck to it. I also made myself a WW smoothie instead of eating the brownies. The weeks that really concern me are the weeks that we dont do the cooking but I think I've got it covered. I always know before Thursday what is on the menu so this time, I've asked for the recipes and have calculated how much points everything is worth. (I wont be joining in on the dessert this time - its a WW bar or skinny cow ice cream for me, to me wasting 15 points on a slice of apple dutch pie is just not worth it to me - rather save the points for dinner or something else). Well duty calls back to work I go...
P.s...Now onto week 2 of Weight Watchers..WISH ME LUCK! :)
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging "on"
after others have let go!"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Results Are In...

This is what my feet looked like on Friday night:

Finally have answers to what's been going on with me - THE BIG UGLY PROBLEM thyroid and plantar fasciitis.

After a month long fight with Kaiser and them telling me the same stupid Overweight excuse, I finally got the ONE doctor that took the time to listen and got me answers instead of passing me along.

Will start the new thyroid pills on friday, hope they help me with my issues (getting really tired of being tired, moody, sore, hungry 24/7, and the list goes on and on).

Then there's my other problem: plantar fasciitis, have to find the inserts that will work for my feet. Best part is I get to go shopping, bad part is I might not be able to wear the shoes I own :(

I'm just relieved I've finally got answers and can start moving forward on what I need/want to do. I still haven't joined weight watchers, have been dealing with my medical issues but now that I have answers and can move forward, I'll be back in the game in no time.

Go Me!!!

P.s..This is what happens when you get someone that is bad at their job LOL!

"Never allow the possibility of failure to stop you from reaching your objectives. When you have a strong belief in your actions and desire to succeed nothing can stop you."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Random Find of the Day :)

Ever try Snapea Crisps?? If you havent tried them you should!!!!
Up until a few hours ago, either had I. But DOUBLE THANKS to Diana for introducing me...Who would have thought that me, Ms. Picky-Ass Eater would love them.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Today's the day for a new start...

Yes..Yes..Yes - the rumor is true, I'm going back to Weight Watchers tonight!! Can you believe after paying for it for a year and never going, then cancelling it, I'm NOW going back?? Crazy maybe, worth it...ABSOLUTELY!!!

I've thought about it long and hard and I feel like this is where I should be. I'm fighting for my life here (sounds a little crazy huh? But soo true, if I dont do anything - the weight will take over my life and destroy me and I'm not ready to throw my hands up and give in) - I have sooo much to look forward to in the future, I want to grow old with my love (and look/feel Amazing on our wedding day), I want to experience the world, I want to be there for my niece and nephew (Nantie's gotta be there or else LOL)...I want to do all this and much more!

You know it's time to do something when you feel like every outfit you try on, doesnt fit or looks horrible on you or everyday should be a sweats and tshirt day or just walking up one flight of stairs or bending over makes you feel like you just ran a marathon...well maybe not that bad but you get what I mean, right??

Today is the day I start changing the way I think, the way I eat, the way I feel... - it can only get better from here.

"Every great accomplishment starts with the decision to try."